Skelton’s mission is to provide dynamic, hands on learning experiences for people of all ages!
The W. E. Skelton 4-H Educational Conference Center is committed
to providing dynamic, research-based, and hands-on learning experiences. Not only are the local 4-H youth catered to, but there are many educational programs for other youth and adults. These programs are created with to help guide each participant to become self-directing, contributing and productive members of society. To fulfill this mission we keep these things in mind:
Making sure our educational programs are always relevant to the changing needs of youth and adults.
Expanding the outreach of Virginia Cooperative Extension by using the latest technology and learning experiences towards research in youth development and human sciences.
Innovating an educational program that will make a difference in the lives of Virginia’s youth.
Networking with others to enhance educational programming for the participants of the 4-H Center.

Working hard to accomplish this mission.
The W. E. Skelton 4-H Educational Conference and the Virginia Cooperative Extension work together to develop 4-H Center programs in this priority:
4-H youth programs
Other youth programs
Adults (organizations, professional groups, businesses, churches, colleges/universities, governmental units and other groups which can benefit from the educational programs and services offered by and through the 4-H Center).
The History of Skelton 4-H Center
Originally named the West Central 4-H Educational Center, there were limited facilities in the early days. This was a far cry from the abundance of meeting, lodging, educational, and recreational facilities that make up the grounds today. Through the various transformations, updated facilities, and re-naming ceremonies, one thing remains true: the 4-H Center’s focus is providing a safe, child friendly facility which is capable of providing high quality programs for youth(of all ages) from throughout our region and beyond. Over the past 50 years, the Skelton 4-H Center has done this in serving more than 171,000 youth and 272,000 other clients!
On September 9th, 2004, the Smith Mountain Lake 4-H Educational Conference Center was re-named in a dedication ceremony to Dr. William E. Skelton for his many years of service and commitment to the youth from the region. Dr. Skelton served on the 4-H Center’s Board of Directors for 37 years and provided leadership not only to this organization but also served as the Director of Virginia Cooperative Extension and Dean of Virginia Cooperative Extension at Virginia Tech before his passing in 2008.
Since 2004, the 4-H Center has experienced a tremendous surge of renovations to its facilities and program areas. New structures include the Willard Amphitheatre, Friendship Retirement Community Wellness Center, The John G. Rocovich, Jr. Regional Shooting Sports Complex, Harris Flag Plaza, and the Hahn Welcome Center. Renovations have taken place in the Smith Central Activities Building, Patsy T. (P.T.) Smith Memorial Golf Complex, the climbing wall, and staff lodge. The Center continues to improve and evolve to meet the needs of the youth and the region.
Dr. W.E. Skelton
In 1928, Dr. William E. Skelton became a member of 4-H, initiating 76 years of volunteer service and leadership within the youth education program. Following graduation from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1940 with a degree in Agricultural Engineering, Dr. Skelton became a 4-H Extension Agent and served in a total of 10 counties as an employee of Virginia Cooperative Extension. During his time at Virginia Tech, Dr. Skelton served as Director of 4-H programs and Director of the Cooperative Extension Service. The Smith Mountain Lake 4-H Educational Conference Center and five other Virginia 4-H Centers were established under his leadership. He was appointed Dean of the Extension Division in 1965. Following his retirement in 1979, Dr. Skelton was conferred with the honorary title of Dean Emeritus of Virginia Cooperative Extension.
Dr. Skelton remained committed to 4-H, volunteering and aiding in the development of this 4-H Center and its facilities and programs until his passing in 2008. For 37 years, he served as volunteer and Board Member of the Smith Mountain Lake 4-H Educational Conference Center, a campus which was renamed in his honor in 2004.

Celebrating 50 Years of Service!
In 1964, a generous land donation from Appalachian Power launched what has become one of the nation’s premier 4-H centers. Over the past 50 years, the center has grown from a single pole barn building to a campus of 30 buildings on 120 acres. More than 171,000 4-H campers and 272,000 other youth and adult participants have had the opportunity to attend programs and events at the center.
Through generous contributions from many supporters, the center continues to grow as facilities are added and upgraded. State-of-the-art equipment and technology is constantly being implemented to provide the best learning tools for our youth.
Thank you for joining us as we recognize those that envisioned and shaped our success over the past 50 years. We look forward to continuing to grow and improve over the next 50 years…